The training, supported by the Jakarta regional Family Planning Coordination Board (BKKBD), officially opened by the head division of Jakarta Mental Development H. Anshori. In his speech he stressed that the development of Islamic people should be carried out in well–organized system. “The regional administration fully supports to improve the people’s condition,” he added.
Ust Wahfiudin, in his sermon, elaborated the essence of human beings and the way to get closer to the Creator through the believed hierarchy that is finally connected to the prophet Muhammad SAW.
Other speakers were Ahmad Basyuni, SH., MKes. delivered his speech on the Dynamic of group, Ust. Toha Yuri, Ust. Drs Nursidin and Ust. Handri Ramadian of KMAS preached on faith, Islam, Iman and Ihsan, including Mysticism & Magic.
Some 80 young preachers consisting of 5 batches have graduated from KMAS chaired by Ust Wahfiudin. They have a very strong commitment to build the good Islamic people, caring for social problems.
Ending the training, the committee provided a time to some participants to comment on the training. Some others are as follows:
“I feel very peaceful and can get closer to Allah after understanding who I am, how I was created and what has Allah given to me.”
Dedi Setiawan, an entrepreneur.
“I managed to get an enlightenment. The training give more information about the function of heart or qalb. Hopefully, the method from Ust Wahfiudin can make me remember Allah all the time.”
Agus Wibowo, a private employee
“Fantastic! Extraordinary ! This is my first time to understand the method of effective dzikir taking me to Allah much closer. Apparently, We have the hidden powerful energy of qalb in our body. I hope I can implement it in my own daily life.” Tarjuli, S.Sos., a private employee
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